Gotovi Seminarski Diplomski Maturalni Master ili Magistarski

Puna verzija: Call of Duty: World at War (sifre)
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Level Select Codes

Entry Location:
In Game Options and select "Yes" for the Game Console. Then hit the ~ key. Type in these codes to go to the level.

Devmap see2 - Play the mission Blood and Iron
Devmap pel1a - Play the mission Burn 'Em Out
Devmap ber2 - Play the mission Eviction
Devmap pel2 - Play the mission Hard Landing
Devmap pel1 - Play the mission Little Resistance
Devmap pel1b - Play the mission Relentless
Devmap ber1 - Play the mission Ring Of Steel
Devmap mak - Play the mission Semper Fi
Devmap see1 - Play the mission Their Land, Their Blood
Devmap sniper - Play the mission Vendetta

Ray Gun

First off, type:

/devmap nazi_zombie_prototype
/give ray_gun

If you do this, you will get a ray gun on zombie mode (on other modes I would not know).

Cheat Codes

Entry Location:
Hit ~ to enter the following codes.

give all - All weapons
devmap [map name] - Change maps
notarget - Disable AI
god - God mode
mapname - List maps
noclip - No clipping mode

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