Gotovi Seminarski Diplomski Maturalni Master ili Magistarski

Puna verzija: Ženski likovi u Magbetu
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The Tragedy of Macbeth was first published in the Folio of 1623. The play was probably written and performed in 1606. The story contains events and legends of the history of Scotland in the eleventh century, recorded in Holinished’s Chronicles. Holinished told that Macbeth’s imagination derived from the prophecies of three women. Encouraged by his ambitious wife, Macbeth slew Duncan, with the help of Banquo and other friends. However, Holinished didn’t describe that murder. According to him, at the beginning of his reign Macbeth was a good king, but at one point he began to fear for his life, remembering the prophecy of Weird Sisters, he began to think that he would also be murdered. Macbeth starts a series of cruel murders. First he killed Banquo and then he came to Macduff’s home and killed his wife, children and other people. Macduff was hiding in England and preparing the revenge. When he came to Bernane woods he ordered his men to cut down boughs to cover their advance. When Macbeth saw Macduff’s powerful army he decided to flee. Macduff pursued and caught him. Macbeth was surprised, he thought no man could kill him, but it turned out that he misinterpreted the words of the witches. Macduff cut his head and brought it to Malcolm. It is also known that Shakespeare wrote his play to appeal to King James, who had ascended the throne in 1604. King James was very interested in supernatural forces and he published a book about witchcraft (Daemonologie). The other important fact is that he was a Scot...


1.1 The tragedy of Macbeth 4
1.2 Female characters in Macbeth 4
1.3 Lady Macbeth 5
1.4 Lady Macduff 9
1.5 Three Witches 11
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