Concept of advertising, and development - seminary

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Pridružen: May 2010
Poruka: #1
Concept of advertising, and development - seminary
Maturski, Seminarski , Maturalni i diplomski radovi iz ekonomije: menadzment, marketing, finansija, elektronskog poslovanja, internet tehnologija, biznis planovi, makroekonomija, mikroekonomija, preduzetnistvo, upravljanje ljudskim resursima, carine i porezi.


Since its inception advertising developed in different ways, and the first ever advertising in the media is very different from ads that we see today in the media. Advertising has been now performed in many different ways, we have advertising in newspapers, on television, on radio, via the Internet, and also for advertising are used billboards too, and even buses and much more. Advertising is an integral part of the life of every company that is trying to survive in the market.
Advertising is not a simple process but it is part of a much larger process that is taking place in the company, and in fact it is the way on which potential consumers familiar with the product and show them to his advantage. Today, advertising is a very complex process that included a lot of effort, time and financial resources.
At the beginning of development of advertising there was no television or Internet, but the advertising made through print media or newspapers. As society developed, with the entrance of new media developed and process advertising. With the advent of radio began to develop and advertise through this medium. Which soon after became very popular.
Radio advertising is a type of marketing through which we can promote products, services, organizations, firms, companies, ideas, etc.. via radio waves. Many radio commercials are products of marketing agencies, which typically do not belong to the radio station. The time in which the ads via radio waves are presented to listeners has benn bought from radio stations. Often happens that the marketing agency that advertises its advertising through a certain radio station, instead of buying time term, promoting the same radio station gratis...

.pdf  Concept of advertising, and development - seminary.pdf (Veličina: 182.36 kb / Preuzimanja: 379)

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