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Poruka: 8,277
Pridružen: May 2010
Business plan
Maturski, Seminarski , Maturalni i diplomski radovi iz ekonomije: menadzment, marketing, finansija, elektronskog poslovanja, internet tehnologija, biznis planovi, makroekonomija, mikroekonomija, preduzetnistvo, upravljanje ljudskim resursima, carine i porezi.
Business plan outline - Meat industry Matijević
Executive Summary
Objectives of meat industry "Matijević” can be summarized in five major points: high productivity, lost expenditures, optimal quality, keeping track of the market demands and adjusting to them. Reaching these objectives is not a simple task. As the owner, Mr. Peter Matijević says, there are no bad employees, there are just bad managers. Production depends on employees, lost expenditures too, optimal quality is part of the company policy, but the most important objectives, keeping track of market demands and adjusting to them, depends on effectiveness and efficiency of high management and their team.
Company mission is rather simple: providing high quality meat and meat products for reasonable prices. Meat and meat products is the base of every family meal, and by providing this base for reasonable prices, meat industry "Matijević" makes healthy, nourishing meals available and affordable to everyone.
Keys to Success
In order to succeed company must have a clear and strong vision. Mr. Peter Matijević says: "From the point of view of an employer with over a thousand employees I can just say there are no bad workers, just bad managers. When you realize and understand all this, success is inevitable." And this is the main key to success of this company. All the managers spent no less than one year "on the field", working in company's industrial slaughter house, stores, megastores and warehouses. They know each step of the process, and have enough knowledge to supervise, control and organize their department. ...
Business plan outline - Meat industry Matijević 3
1 Executive Summary 3
1.1 Objectives 3
1.2 Mission 3
1.3 Keys to Success 3
2 Company Summary 3
2.1 Company Ownership 3
2.2 Company Locations and Facilities 3
3 Product and Services 4
3.1 Product and Service Description 4
3.2 Technology 4
3.3 Future Product and Services 4
4 Market Analysis Summary 4
4.1 Market Needs 4
4.2 Market Trends 4
4.3 Market Growth 5
4.4 Main Competitors (good and bad sides) 5
5 Strategy and Implementation Summary 5
5.1 Marketing Strategy (target market and positioning) 5
5.2 Pricing Strategy 5
5.3 Promotion Strategy 5
5.4 Distribution Patterns 5
6 Management Summary 6
6.1 Organizational Structure 6
6.2 Management Team 6
6.3 Personnel Plan 6
7 Financial Plan 6
7.1 Project Start-up cists 6
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