Advertising semantic structure

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Poruka: 8,277
Pridružen: May 2010
Poruka: #1
Advertising semantic structure
Maturski, Seminarski , Maturalni i diplomski radovi iz ekonomije: menadžment, marketing, finansija, elektronskog poslovanja, internet tehnologija, biznis planovi, makroekonomija, mikroekonomija, preduzetništvo, upravljanje ljudskim resursima, carine i porezi.


Advertising has become the part and parcel of present-day life. From everywhere around us, advertisements of diverse types attack our privacy. In spite of it, there is an attractive power, which is able to manipulate the consumer; an invisible voice of advertisement advocates, encourages, asks, announces and deeply embeds into peoples’ minds. In last decades, the market glut of advertising caused the increased intention and interest in linguistic aspect of advertising. Advertising has become a science. People began to describe, analyze the linguistic means and evaluate the language trying to find out the principles, create new kinds of relationship between elements of language and improve the techniques, with the aim to be unique and maximize the effect at full blast.

Who might be interested in advertising language? Advertising texts are of great value for the analyses from linguistic, sociologist, sociolinguistic, psychological, ethnologic and last but not least marketing point of view. Linguists are interested in language of advertising because they want to know how particular language works in this type of discourse, which linguistic means are used here and how advertising language is changing in the course time. Sociologists may be interested in the fact, how advertising influences the values, attitudes and behavior of the society. On the other hand, sociolinguists may study the effects of any aspect of society on the way language is used in advertising in the course of time. Psychologists may try to examine the effect of the advertising on human mind and motivation to fulfill material and social needs. Ethnology may find in this field a good evidence of how the culture of the nation has been developing. And marketing experts and advertising agencies are interested in the language of advertising to find the tricks how to make advertising more effective....

Contents :

1 Syntactic aspect 5
1.1 Sentence types 5
1.2 Sentence structure 7
2 Semantic aspect 9
2.1 Personification 10
2.2 Hyperbole 11
2.3 Metaphor 11
2.4 Antithesis 11
2.5 Polysemy and homonymy 12
3 Lexical aspect 12
3.1 Use of First and Second Personal Pronouns 12
3.2 Use of Emotive or Evaluative Adjectives or Adjectival Phrases 13
3.3 Use of Compound Words 13

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